HOWEVER, it is vital that the cans are not dented, especially around the seams, and acidic foods will develop off flavors and become mushy faster than non-acidic foods. Canned food that is undamaged, properly sealed, and stored in a cool dry place with minimal or no sunlight if they're in glass jars at a relatively constant temperature can last 20 years or more. This question gets posted every week it seems. Even in an emergency situation you want to look forward to your daily sustenance. What the manufacturers advertise is not necessarily the same as "edible." However, that's why a lit if us rotate our stock as much as possible, and seek to purchase and store things our families enjoy eating. Demand for canned food hit a peak during World War 1, when soldiers were in far-away lands, bound by trenches in undesirable conditions. The canning of food was introduced during the Napoleonic Wars after the French advertised a reward of 12,000 francs to whoever could produce a method of effectively preserving food for long durations. The advertised shelf life of most canned foods is one to five years. Typically, certain canned foods, such as those that are freeze-dried, can last up to thirty years. The vitamin content had degraded and the smell was off from what it originally was, but they determined the 109-year-old food to still be safely edible. They discovered that there was no trace of microbial growth, and subsequently safe to eat. The National Food Processors Association performed various tests to check the levels of microbial growth and nutritional value of the food. In 1974, a batch of canned freeze-dried foods were discovered aboard the wreck of a steamboat that sank in the Missouri River in 1865. Most people would probably assume that food from over a hundred years ago would certainly be other than safe to eat, but that may not be the case for certain canned foods.
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